印度ED突袭公司“Molk Magic”(Molk Magic)指控使用假证书出口掺假牛奶。 India's ED raids company "Milk Magic" over alleged export of adulterated milk using fake certificates.
印度执法局(ED)突袭了中央邦与Jayshri Gayatri食品Pvt Ltd有联系的9个地点,被控使用伪造实验室证书生产和出口掺假奶制品。 The Enforcement Directorate (ED) in India raided nine locations in Madhya Pradesh linked to Jayshri Gayatri Food Products Pvt Ltd, accused of producing and exporting adulterated milk products using fake lab certificates. 这家公司被称为“Mulk Magic”, 据称向巴林、香港、新加坡、阿曼、卡塔尔和阿联酋等国家出口低于标准的产品。 The company, known as "Milk Magic," allegedly exported substandard products to countries like Bahrain, Hong Kong, Singapore, Oman, Qatar, and the UAE. ED发现了63份伪造的实验室报告,并正在调查以确定欺诈活动的程度。 The ED found 63 forged lab reports and is investigating to determine the extent of the fraudulent activities.