工程公司Waterman Tecsar计划三年内在爱尔兰创造100个工作岗位。 Engineering firm Waterman Tecsar plans to create 100 jobs in Ireland over three years.
由一家加拿大公司和一家爱尔兰公司合并而成的基于Cork的Waterman Tecsar工程联盟计划随着爱尔兰业务的扩大,在三年内创造100个工作岗位。 Cork-based Waterman Tecsar Engineering Alliance, formed by the merger of a Canadian and an Irish firm, plans to create 100 jobs over three years as it expands its Irish operations. 新职位将设在工程领域,如工序管道、机械、电气、仪器和民用结构。 The new positions will be in engineering fields like process piping, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, and civil structural. 该公司为BASF和壳牌公司等客户提供服务,并旨在扩大欧洲的服务。 The company serves clients such as BASF and Shell and aims to expand services in Europe.