英飞凌科技计划在四年内在爱尔兰创造 100 个新就业岗位,扩大都柏林和科克的研发规模。 Infineon Technologies plans to create 100 new jobs in Ireland, expanding R&D presence in Dublin and Cork over four years.
半导体公司英飞凌科技计划在未来四年内在爱尔兰创造 100 个新就业岗位,并扩大其在都柏林和科克的研发业务。 Semiconductor firm Infineon Technologies plans to create 100 new jobs in Ireland, expanding its R&D presence in Dublin and Cork over the next four years. 这些高技能工程职位将平均分配到两个工厂,从而使英飞凌在爱尔兰的员工人数增加到 300 多人。 These highly-skilled engineering positions will be evenly split between the two sites, increasing Infineon's Irish workforce to over 300. 这一公告增强了爱尔兰作为全球创新和技术中心的声誉。 Ireland's reputation as a global hub for innovation and technology is bolstered by this announcement.