联合公用事业公司为改善西北英格兰供水基础设施的500万英镑项目挑选供应商。 United Utilities selects suppliers for a £500M project to improve water infrastructure in Northwest England.
英国最大的供水公司联合公用事业公司选择了30个供应商,为西北英格兰的供水和废水基础设施投资5亿英镑。 United Utilities, Britain's largest water company, has chosen 30 suppliers for a £500 million investment in Northwest England's water and wastewater infrastructure. 该项目包括土木工程和机械专家,他们将致力于改善治疗设施、风暴解决方案和河流方案。 The project includes civil engineering and mechanical specialists who will work on improving treatment facilities, storm solutions, and river programs. 这项投资旨在促进该区域的当地企业和创造就业机会。 This investment aims to boost local businesses and create job opportunities in the region.