25岁的Casey Olaf Sandoval和Julio Gutierrez来自拉斯维加斯,两人在亚利桑那州因偷运人口重罪被捕。 25-year-olds Casey Olaf Sandoval and Julio Gutierrez, both from Las Vegas, were arrested in Arizona for felony human smuggling.
来自拉斯维加斯的25岁的Casey Olaf Sandoval和Julio Gutierrez于8月28日在亚利桑那州因走私人口重罪被捕。 25-year-old Casey Olaf Sandoval and Julio Gutierrez, both from Las Vegas, were arrested in Arizona on August 28 for felony human smuggling. 逮捕是在他们挂有内华达州牌照的雪佛兰 Silverado 的交通拦截之后,一名身穿迷彩服的男子从车里跑了出来。 The arrest followed a traffic stop of their Chevy Silverado with Nevada plates, where a man in camouflage ran from the vehicle. 美国边境巡逻队后来发现逃难者。 U.S. Border Patrol later found the fleeing individual. 两名嫌疑人在内华达州都有犯罪记录——桑多瓦尔有谋杀未遂指控,而古铁雷斯有未决的抢劫令。 Both suspects have criminal records in Nevada - Sandoval with a prior attempted murder charge, and Gutierrez with an outstanding robbery warrant. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.