一名英国滑雪者在法国阿尔卑斯山的一次大雪崩中死亡,尽管医疗反应迅速。 A British skier died in a large avalanche in the French Alps despite rapid medical response.
一名55岁的英国滑雪运动员星期二下午在法国阿尔卑斯山查莫尼克斯山谷的一次大型雪崩中死亡。 A 55-year-old British skier died in a large avalanche in the Chamonix valley of the French Alps on Tuesday afternoon. 他的尸体是在滑雪巡逻队接近斜坡时通过滑雪巡逻队发现的,尽管医务人员以直升机飞入时作出了快速反应,但他在现场仍被宣布死亡。 His body was found by ski patrol as they were closing the slopes, and despite the quick response by medical personnel flown in by helicopter, he was declared dead at the scene. 雪崩是在“高风险”条件下发生的,目前正在进行调查,以确定其原因。 The avalanche, which occurred under "high" risk conditions, is the subject of an ongoing investigation to determine its cause.