白宫释放了梅拉妮娅·特朗普的新官方肖像, 展示了一种更自信的黑白形象。 The White House releases Melania Trump's new official portrait, showing a more assertive image in black and white.
白宫发布了梅拉妮娅·特朗普的新官方肖像, 展示了她在黄马龙厅的黑白姿势。 The White House has released Melania Trump's new official portrait, showing her in a black and white, powerful pose in the Yellow Oval Room. 照片由摄影师Régine Mahaux拍摄, 与她2017年的彩色肖像形成鲜明对比, Captured by photographer Régine Mahaux, the image contrasts with her 2017 colorful portrait, with experts noting a shift toward a more assertive and authoritative image. 照片于2025年1月21日拍摄, 在社交媒体上引起不同反应, 有些人赞扬她的优雅, The photo, taken on January 21, 2025, has sparked mixed reactions on social media, with some praising her elegance and others criticizing the photo for appearing overly photoshopped.