1月28日北卡罗来纳州Beulaville发生房屋火灾, Two people died in a house fire in Beulaville, North Carolina, on January 28.
1月28日北卡罗来纳州Beulaville发生房屋火灾, 造成两人死亡。 A house fire in Beulaville, North Carolina, on January 28 led to the deaths of two people. 紧急救援人员抵达南威廉姆斯路现场时发现严重火力破坏。 Emergency crews found heavy fire damage when they arrived at the scene on South Williams Road. Duplin县消防局长办公室正在调查火灾原因,当局要求公众避开该地区。 The Duplin County Fire Marshal's Office is investigating the cause of the fire, and authorities are asking the public to avoid the area.