NCGastonia的房屋火灾因加热器故障造成,摧毁房屋,但无人受伤。 House fire in Gastonia, NC, caused by heater malfunction, destroys home but leaves no injuries.
12月3日北卡罗来纳州Gastonia发生房屋火灾, 摧毁Harrison大道一栋房屋, A house fire in Gastonia, North Carolina, on December 3rd destroyed a home on Harrison Avenue but caused no injuries. Gastonia消防局报告说,火灾是因加热器故障引起的意外火灾。 The Gastonia Fire Department reported the fire was accidental, caused by a heater malfunction. 美国消防管理局指出,供暖火灾是造成家庭火灾的第二大原因,建议把供暖器至少离可燃物3英尺远,在无人看守时将其关掉。 The U.S. Fire Administration notes heating fires are the second leading cause of home fires, advising to keep heaters at least 3 feet away from combustibles and to turn them off when unattended.