一名新加坡妇女因提交马来西亚近遭绑架的假报告而被罚款1 000林吉特。 A Singaporean woman was fined RM1,000 for filing a false report of a near-abduction in Malaysia.
一名45岁的新加坡妇女被马来西亚Johor Bahru法院罚款1 000林吉特,因为她提交了一份虚假的警察报告,声称她在一家购物中心几乎被绑架。 A 45-year-old Singaporean woman was fined RM1,000 by a court in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, for filing a false police report claiming she was nearly abducted at a shopping mall. 警察没有根据闭路电视录像和其他证据发现任何绑架未遂的证据。 The police found no evidence of an abduction attempt based on CCTV footage and other evidence. 她于1月28日在法庭上认罪, 并面临可能导致六个月监禁或更高罚款的指控。 She admitted guilt in court on January 28 and faced charges that could have led to six months in prison or a higher fine.