在加州妇女绑架案中 最初提出骗局指控后 男人面临新的指控 证明是虚假的 Man facing new charges after initial hoax claim in California woman's kidnapping proved false.
一名男子被指控绑架一名加利福尼亚妇女,最初声称绑架是骗局,现在面临新的指控。 A man accused of kidnapping a California woman, who initially claimed the abduction was a hoax, now faces new charges. 原始指控包括绑架、殴打和非法监禁。 The original charges included kidnapping, assault, and false imprisonment. 进一步调查后发现,绑架是真实的,导致更多的刑事指控。 Further investigation revealed the abduction was real, leading to additional criminal charges.