马来西亚家庭主妇被控密谋绑架商人, 耗资480万美元, 面部长达40年。 Malaysian housewife charged with plotting to kidnap businessman for $4.8 million, faces up to 40 years.
一名57岁的马来西亚家庭主妇Chan Wan Kooi被控阴谋绑架一名当地商人2 000万林吉特。 A 57-year-old Malaysian housewife, Chan Wan Kooi, was charged with conspiring to kidnap a local businessman for RM20 million. 她面临长达40年的监禁,如果被定罪,将鞭打。 She faces up to 40 years in prison and caning if convicted. Chan被指控与一名当地男子和两名越南国民在阴谋中勾结。 Chan is accused of working with a local man and two Vietnamese nationals in the plot. 法院拒绝了她的保释申请,她的案件将于11月17日审理。 The court rejected her bail application, and her case will be heard next on November 17.