巴基斯坦设定了2025年的朝圣套餐价格,从1 075 000卢比到1 150 000卢比不等。 Pakistan sets Hajj package prices for 2025, ranging from Rs1,075,000 to Rs1,150,000.
巴基斯坦宗教事务部已确定 2025 年朝觐的最终套餐价格:长期套餐为 1,075,000 卢比,短期套餐为 1,150,000 卢比。 The Ministry of Religious Affairs in Pakistan has set the final Hajj package prices for 2025: Rs1,075,000 for the long-term package and Rs1,150,000 for the short-term package. 政府计划下的新申请将按先到先得的原则接受,直至1月30日为止,长期一揽子计划只有有限的席位。 New applications under the government scheme will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until January 30, with only limited seats available for the long-term package. 第三期朝圣应付款将于2月1日至10日收取。 The third installment of Hajj dues will be collected from February 1 to 10.