巴基斯坦在最后期限截止时收到72 000份朝圣申请,并宣布付款和一次《古兰经》竞赛。 Pakistan receives over 72,000 Hajj applications as deadline passes, with payments and a Quranic competition announced.
巴基斯坦宗教事务部已收到超过 72,000 份朝觐申请,截止日期为周二。 The Ministry of Religious Affairs in Pakistan has received over 72,000 Hajj applications with the deadline on Tuesday. 申请人可以加入亲属团体,最初必须支付200,000卢比,第二笔400,000卢比应在投票后10天内支付。 Applicants can join relatives' groups, and an initial payment of 200,000 rupees is required, with a second installment of 400,000 rupees due within 10 days after the balloting. 最后付款应于2月10日前支付。 The final payment is due by February 10th. 此外,该部宣布了第40届全国Hifz和Qirat年度竞赛,邀请来自巴基斯坦各地的参与者参加,获奖者将在国际上代表该国。 Additionally, the ministry announced the 40th Annual National Hifz and Qirat Competition, inviting participants from across Pakistan, with winners set to represent the country internationally.