密歇根州GOP投诉Benson利用国家建筑进行竞选活动,违反了金融法。 Michigan GOP complains Benson used state building for campaign, violating finance laws.
密歇根州GOP对一位民主党的国务卿Jocelyn Benson提出申诉,指控她利用州立建筑发布州长竞选公告违反了竞选金融法。 The Michigan GOP has filed a complaint against Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, alleging she violated campaign finance laws by using a state building for her gubernatorial campaign announcement. 根据《密歇根州竞选资金法》提出的申诉称,Benson利用公共资源从事政治活动。 The complaint, filed under Michigan's Campaign Finance Act, claims Benson used public resources for political activities. GOP呼吁进行调查并处以可能的罚款,而Benson的竞选活动则认为,空间是公共的,法律上可用于《第一修正案》的活动。 The GOP is calling for an investigation and potential fines, while Benson's campaign argues the space is public and legally usable for First Amendment activities.