特拉华州副州长贝瑟尼·霍尔-朗 (Bethany Hall-Long) 面临竞选财务违规行为,其收到的款项比报告的多出 33,000 美元。 Delaware's lieutenant governor, Bethany Hall-Long, faces campaign finance irregularities, receiving $33,000 more in payments than reported.
特拉华州选举部委托进行的司法审查揭露了特拉华州副州长贝瑟尼·霍尔-朗(Bethany Hall-Long)的竞选财务存在不当行为,她正在争取民主党州长提名。 Forensic review commissioned by Delaware's Department of Elections reveals improprieties in campaign finances of Delaware's lieutenant governor, Bethany Hall-Long, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for governor. 宾夕法尼亚州法医诉讼顾问公司进行的审查发现,霍尔朗和她的丈夫收到的款项比其竞选财务报告多出 33,000 美元。 The review, conducted by Pennsylvania-based Forensic Litigation Consultants, discovered that Hall-Long and her husband received $33,000 more in payments than reported in her campaign finances. 此外,霍尔朗的丈夫、前竞选财务主管达纳朗(Dana Long)给自己开了四张竞选支票,谎称这些支票是开给别人的。 Additionally, Hall-Long's husband and former campaign treasurer, Dana Long, wrote four campaign checks to himself, falsely reporting that they were written to someone else.