在千岛过境点关闭了某些车辆的高风力桥梁。 High winds force bridge closures for certain vehicles at Thousand Islands crossings.
由于大风,千岛大桥管理局已限制 60,000 磅以下的高端商用车、房车、公共汽车和空的封闭式拖车穿越。 The Thousand Islands Bridge Authority has restricted high-profile commercial vehicles under 60,000 lbs, RVs, buses, and empty enclosed trailers from crossing due to high winds. 在Collins Landing、Alexandra Bay和安大略省Ivy Lea的过境点实行这些限制。 The restrictions are in place at crossings in Collins Landing, Alexandria Bay, and Ivy Lea, Ontario. 一旦风速下降,正常业务将恢复;当局网站上提供最新消息。 Normal operations will resume once wind speeds decrease; updates are available on the authority’s website.