记录片人Mstyslav Chernov首映战争电影“2000 Meters to Andriivka”在松丹斯, Documentarian Mstyslav Chernov premieres war film "2000 Meters to Andriivka" at Sundance, focusing on Ukrainian soldiers' struggles.
奥斯卡和英国电影学院奖得主记者 Mstyslav Chernov 的纪录片《2000 Meters to Andriivka》让观众沉浸在 2023 年乌克兰的反攻中。 "2000 Meters to Andriivka," a documentary by Oscar and BAFTA-winning journalist Mstyslav Chernov, immerses viewers in the 2023 Ukrainian counteroffensive. 这部电影与美联社和PBS前线合作制作, 拍摄了为夺回土地而战斗的士兵的身体和情感损失。 Premiering at the Sundance Film Festival, the film, a co-production with the Associated Press and PBS Frontline, captures the physical and emotional toll on soldiers fighting to reclaim their land. Chernov的工作从强调行动的成功发展到关注损失和记忆,反映出他记录乌克兰战争的个人和专业历程。 Chernov's work evolved from highlighting the operation's success to focusing on loss and memory, reflecting his personal and professional journey documenting the war in Ukraine.