加拿大人更喜欢用信用卡进行交易,但尽管使用率不断下降,现金仍然占18%。 Canadians prefer credit cards for transactions, but cash still accounts for 18% despite declining use.
加拿大人正在逐渐远离现金,但根据最近的一项研究公司的研究,现金仍然占交易的18%。 Canadians are gradually moving away from cash, but it still accounts for 18% of transactions, according to a recent Research Co. study. 37%的交易以信用卡为主,其次是借记卡(29%),智能手机付款得到加拿大年轻人的更多支持。 Credit cards lead with 37% of transactions, followed by debit cards (29%), with smartphone payments favored more by younger Canadians. 研究发现,67%的加拿大人由于缺乏现金不得不使用卡片进行小额购买。 The study found that 67% of Canadians faced situations where they had to use cards for small purchases due to a lack of cash. 生物计量支付是一个分裂性议题,46%赞成,45%反对,魁北克和安大略省支持率最高。 Biometric payments are a divisive topic, with 46% in favor and 45% against, and support highest in Quebec and Ontario.