英国零售业的现金使用率在2023年上升到19.9%,部分是由于生活费危机所致。 Cash usage in UK retail rose to 19.9% of transactions in 2023, partly due to the cost-of-living crisis.
英国零售业的现金使用量连续第二年增加,在2023年占交易额的19.9%,高于2022年的18.8%。 Cash usage in UK retail increased for the second year in a row, accounting for 19.9% of transactions in 2023, up from 18.8% in 2022. 借记卡仍然是最常见的支付方法,占交易额的62.0%。 Debit cards remained the most common payment method, making up 62.0% of transactions. 尽管现金有所增加,但每笔交易的平均支出数额从22.43英镑下降到22.03英镑,零售商支付的卡费增加了25%以上,达到1.64亿英镑。 Despite the rise in cash, the average amount spent per transaction fell from £22.43 to £22.03, and card fees paid by retailers rose by over 25% to £1.64 billion. 布拉迪斯拉发资源中心将现金使用量的增加归因于生活费用危机,许多消费者发现现金对预算编制有帮助。 The BRC attributes the increase in cash usage to the cost-of-living crisis, with many consumers finding cash helpful for budgeting.