阿塞拜疆中央银行与哈佛增长实验室会晤,以提高金融复原力和数字服务。 Azerbaijan's Central Bank meets Harvard's Growth Lab to boost financial resilience and digital services.
阿塞拜疆中央银行会见了哈佛大学增长实验室,讨论改善该国金融部门的复原力和扩大金融服务,包括数字选项。 The Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA) met with Harvard University's Growth Lab to discuss improving the country's financial sector resilience and expanding financial services, including digital options. CBA主席Taleh Kazimov与增长实验室的创始人Ricardo Hausmann谈了加强货币政策传递和金融稳定的问题。 CBA Chairman Taleh Kazimov talked with the Growth Lab's founder, Ricardo Hausmann, about enhancing monetary policy transmission and financial stability.