阿塞拜疆中央银行和ICCD讨论伊斯兰金融与银行部门的合作。 Azerbaijan's Central Bank and ICCD discuss Islamic finance collaboration with banking sector.
阿塞拜疆中央银行和伊斯兰工商会最近举行会议,探讨伊斯兰融资机会。 Azerbaijan's Central Bank and the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Development (ICCD) recently met to explore Islamic finance opportunities. CBA主席Taleh Kazimov强调了关于与银行部门合作及未来前景的讨论。 CBA Chair Taleh Kazimov highlighted discussions on collaboration with the banking sector and future prospects. 会议之前,阿塞拜疆拉比塔银行与国际伊斯兰贸易金融公司达成了1 500万美元的协议,目的是通过伊斯兰金融原则支持中小型企业。 The meeting followed a $15 million agreement between Azerbaijan's Rabitabank and the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation, aimed at supporting small and medium-sized businesses through Islamic finance principles.