威尼斯委员会建议限制宪法法院宣布选举无效的权力,援引罗马尼亚为例。 Venice Commission advises limits on constitutional courts' power to invalidate elections, citing Romania as a case.
作为欧洲委员会咨询机构的威尼斯委员会发表了一份报告,说明宪法法院在何种条件下可以宣布选举无效。 The Venice Commission, an advisory body of the Council of Europe, has released a report on the conditions under which constitutional courts can invalidate elections. 由于罗马尼亚最近取消了总统选举,该报告强调,这种行动应该少之又少,而且应该有充分的理由,以维护公众对选举的信任。 The report, prompted by Romania's annulment of its recent presidential election, emphasizes that such actions should be rare and well-justified to preserve public trust in elections. 它还涉及竞选宣传的作用和监管在线竞选活动的挑战。 It also addresses the role of campaign propaganda and the challenges of regulating online campaigning.