Trump 管理者声称 30%的成人 跨越边境 与孩子不是他们的父母, 引用DNA测试。 Trump admin claims 30% of adults crossing border with kids aren't their parents, citing DNA tests.
特朗普政府查明,在拜登政府管辖的300 000多名可能在美国-墨西哥边境被贩运的移徙儿童中,有75 000至80 000人可能被贩运。 The Trump administration identified between 75,000 and 80,000 of the over 300,000 migrant children potentially trafficked at the US-Mexico border under the Biden administration. Trump小组利用DNA测试核实家庭关系,发现近30%与儿童越境的成年人不是他们的实际父母。 The Trump team used DNA testing to verify familial relationships, finding that nearly 30% of adults crossing the border with children were not their actual parents. 批评者认为,拜登放松的移民政策助长了贩卖儿童现象的增加。 Critics argue that Biden's eased immigration policies have contributed to the rise in child trafficking.