得克萨斯州边境官员在60名举目无亲的未成年人中发现了一名2岁的萨尔瓦多女孩。 Texas border officials found a 2-year-old Salvadoran girl among 60 unaccompanied minors.
在得克萨斯州美国-墨西哥边境,在60名举目无亲的未成年人中发现了一名来自萨尔瓦多的2岁女孩。 A 2-year-old girl from El Salvador was found among 60 unaccompanied minors at the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas. 小孩声称她父母在美国 独自旅行 The toddler claimed her parents were in the U.S. and was traveling alone. 得克萨斯州公共安全部在 " 孤星行动 " 期间拯救了900多名儿童,这表明需要采取行动解决边境危机并保护儿童免受贩运网络的侵害。 Texas Department of Public Safety has rescued over 900 children during Operation Lone Star, indicating the need for action to address the border crisis and protect children from trafficking networks.