人口与健康调查提名人Noem与Sen在移民儿童政策和问责问题上发生冲突。 DHS nominee Noem clashes with Sen. Blumenthal over migrant child policies and accountability.
南达科塔州州长Kristi Noem在人口与健康调查的确认听证会上强调拜登政府未能追踪300 000名移徙儿童,而康涅狄格州参议员Richard Blumenthal则敦促她集中力量在特朗普政府下帮助与家人分离的儿童重新团聚。 During her confirmation hearing for the DHS, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem highlighted the Biden administration's failure to track 300,000 migrant children, while Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal urged her to focus on reuniting children separated from their families under the Trump administration. Noem不同意特朗普政策被定性为“家庭分离”,并强调需要解决目前失踪的儿童问题。 Noem disagreed with the characterization of Trump's policy as "family separation" and stressed the need to address the current missing children issue. ICE至少失去32 000名儿童的踪迹,291 000名儿童没有出庭日期,增加了他们遭受剥削的风险。 ICE has lost track of at least 32,000 children, with 291,000 receiving no court dates, increasing their risk of exploitation.