Thomas 'Nicky' McConnell, 被判谋杀罪犯的侄子, 被判终身监禁。 Thomas 'Nicky' McConnell, convicted of murdering crime figure's nephew, sentenced to life in prison.
Thomas 'Nicky' McConnell, 先前已定罪105人,因在2016年谋杀都柏林犯罪人物Gerard "The Monk" Hutch的侄子Gareth Hutch事件中扮演的角色,被判处终身监禁。 Thomas 'Nicky' McConnell, with 105 prior convictions, has been sentenced to life in prison for his role in the 2016 murder of Gareth Hutch, nephew of Dublin crime figure Gerard "The Monk" Hutch. McConnell是该案中被定罪的第四人。 McConnell is the fourth person convicted in the case. 证据包括移动电话数据、闭路电视录像以及McConnell的虚假陈述。 Evidence included mobile phone data, CCTV footage, and McConnell's false statements. Gareth的母亲Vera Hutch将犯罪描述为“暴力冷酷无情”。 Vera Hutch, Gareth's mother, described the crime as "violent and callous."