2016 年都柏林对 Thomas 'Nicky' McConnell 谋杀案的审判继续进行,并提交了最终证据。 2016 Dublin murder trial of Thomas 'Nicky' McConnell resumes with final evidence presented.
对被控谋杀Gareth Hutch的Thomas 'Nicky' McConnell的审判在拖延了一年多之后在都柏林恢复进行。 The trial of Thomas 'Nicky' McConnell, accused of murdering Gareth Hutch, has resumed in Dublin after over a year of delays. Hutch于2016年在家中外被两名枪手开枪打死。 Hutch was shot in 2016 outside his home by two gunmen. McConnell不认罪,据称他利用公寓作为同案被告Jonathan Keogh的看门人。 McConnell, who pleads not guilty, is alleged to have used an apartment as a lookout with co-defendant Jonathan Keogh. 审判因最高法院关于移动电话证据的裁决而推迟。 The trial was postponed due to a Supreme Court ruling on mobile phone evidence. McConnell是因这起谋杀案受审的第四人 McConnell is the fourth person tried for this murder. 正在提出最后证据。 Final evidence is being presented.