Sue Radford透露了她朋友在“22个孩子与计数”中早期痴呆症诊断, Sue Radford reveals her friend's early onset dementia diagnosis on "22 Kids and Counting," shocking the family.
Sue Radford在《22个孩子与计数》电视节目中透露, 她的亲密朋友49岁时被诊断患有早期痴呆症, Sue Radford, from the TV show "22 Kids and Counting," disclosed that her close friend was diagnosed with early onset dementia at 49, shocking her husband Noel. 起初,Sue应她朋友的要求,将诊断保密。 Initially, Sue kept the diagnosis private at her friend's request. 这一集是在 Radfords 的衍生节目“22 个孩子和一个婚礼”之后播出的,突出了这个家庭对这个艰难消息的反应。 The episode, which comes after the Radfords' spin-off show "22 Kids and A Wedding," highlights the family's reaction to this difficult news.