22 Kids and Counting 剧集重新关注了早期剪辑中的育儿技巧,观众之间出现了意见分歧。 22 Kids and Counting episode refocused on parenting tips from earlier clips, dividing opinions among viewers.
“22个孩子与计数”的观众对最近一段脱离Radford家日常生活的插曲表示失望。 Viewers of "22 Kids and Counting" expressed disappointment with a recent episode that shifted away from the Radford family's usual daily life. 相反,Sue 和 Noel Radford 通过前几集的剪辑展示了他们的前 22 个育儿技巧。 Instead, Sue and Noel Radford presented their top 22 parenting tips through clips from earlier episodes. 虽然许多人在社交媒体上批评新格式很无聊,但一些粉丝对这一变化表示赞赏。 While many criticized the new format as boring on social media, some fans appreciated the change. 该集旨在分享关于抚养大家庭的见解,将在My5上提供。 The episode aims to share insights on raising a large family and will be available on My5.