Wendy Williams否认认知障碍,声称她觉得被囚禁在纽约的护理设施里。 Wendy Williams denies cognitive impairment, claims she feels imprisoned in her New York care facility.
前脱口秀主持人Wendy Williams在与早餐俱乐部的访谈中否认她有认知障碍,尽管她因痴呆症诊断而具有2022年的监护权。 Wendy Williams, the former talk show host, denied being cognitively impaired during an interview with The Breakfast Club, despite her 2022 guardianship due to a dementia diagnosis. 她说,她在纽约护理设施的生活条件感觉像监狱,行动能力和沟通受到限制。 She described her living conditions at a New York care facility as feeling like prison, with restricted mobility and communication. 她的侄女Alex支持她的主张,说Wendy听起来听上去不错,而且不符合丧失行为能力者的描述。 Her niece, Alex, supported her claims, stating that Wendy sounds well and does not match the description of someone incapacitated. 威廉姆斯在她的照料和法律监护方面面临着诉讼和家庭纠纷。 Williams has faced lawsuits and family disputes over her care and legal guardianship.