在80个加拿大餐馆为自闭症嘉宾推出“包容性餐饮”方案。 St-Hubert launches "inclusive dining" program for autistic guests in 80 Canadian restaurants.
加拿大餐馆连锁店St-Hubert为自闭症患者及其家庭启动了“包容性餐饮”计划, St-Hubert, a Canadian restaurant chain, has launched an "inclusive dining" program for autistic individuals and their families, offering a welcoming environment with dimmed lights, soft music, and fidget toys. 该倡议是与魁北克各基金会合作开发的,旨在减轻为自闭症客人外出吃饭的挑战。 Developed in collaboration with Quebec foundations, the initiative aims to ease the challenges of dining out for autistic guests. 该方案在包括渥太华各地点在内的约80家餐馆推出,受该公司雇用自闭症工作人员的历史的启发。 Rolled out in about 80 restaurants, including Ottawa locations, the program was inspired by the company's history of employing autistic staff.