纽约州立博物馆为神经疾病儿童和家庭主办感官友好活动。 New York State Museum hosts sensory-friendly event for neurodivergent children and families.
纽约国家博物馆与Bring on the Spectrum(BOTS)合作,为100名神经分裂的儿童及其家庭主办了一场感官友好活动。 The New York State Museum hosted a sensory-friendly event for 100 neurodivergent children and their families in collaboration with Bring on the Spectrum (BOTS). 活动包括实践手工艺品勘探和特别展览参观,旨在提供包容性和参与性学习经验。 Activities included hands-on artifact exploration and special exhibit tours, aiming to provide inclusive and engaging learning experiences. BOTS为整个奥尔巴尼周末提供感官友好的节目,博物馆计划继续开展这种包容性合作。 BOTS is offering sensory-friendly programming across Albany for the weekend, and the museum plans to continue such inclusive collaborations.