信仰团体发起倡议,让残疾人参与节假日活动。 Faith groups launch initiatives to include people with disabilities in holiday events.
敦促信仰社区在节假日及节假日以外更加包容残疾人。 Faith communities are urged to be more inclusive of people with disabilities during the holidays and beyond. 例如,在Olivet山联合卫理公会举行感官友好的圣诞节活动,展出易碎玩具和发光棒,在Rinat Yisrael教堂举行包容性的Hanukkah仪式,有自闭症者将在那里宣读祝福。 Examples include a sensory-friendly Christmas event at Mount Olivet United Methodist Church, featuring fidget toys and glow sticks, and an inclusive Hanukkah service at Congregation Rinat Yisrael where a congregant with autism will recite blessings. 这些倡议旨在确保所有个人,无论其能力如何,都能感到受到其信仰社区的欢迎和支持。 These initiatives aim to ensure all individuals, regardless of ability, feel welcome and supported in their faith communities.