南安普敦在高峰时段限制Portswood Road上的汽车,以提高空气质量和公共交通。 Southampton restricts cars on Portswood Road during peak hours to boost air quality and public transport.
萨瑟姆普顿市议会已经开始为期六个月的试验, 限制在高峰时间的波茨伍德路上开车, Southampton City Council has started a six-month trial restricting cars on Portswood Road during peak hours, from 7am to 10am and 4pm to 7pm, Monday through Saturday. 这项禁令旨在改善空气质量和公共运输时间。 The ban aims to improve air quality and public transport times. 只有公共汽车、出租车、骑自行车、电子摩托车、电子摩托车和应急车辆才允许。 Only buses, taxis, cyclists, e-scooters, e-bikes, and emergency vehicles are allowed. 违反规则者将首先得到警告,然后得到70英镑的罚款,如果在21天内支付,可减至35英镑。 Those breaking the rules will first receive a warning, followed by a £70 fine, reducible to £35 if paid within 21 days. 理事会将监测审判的影响。 The council will monitor the trial's impact.