搜寻掉进大河的女人 因为危险的冰层条件而停止 Search for a woman who fell into the Grand River halted due to dangerous ice conditions.
周六晚上,对一名在富尔顿街附近坠入格兰德河的妇女的搜救工作于周日恢复,但后来因冰况而停止。 Search and recovery efforts for a woman who fell into the Grand River near Fulton Street on Saturday night resumed Sunday but were later halted due to ice conditions. 尽管使用了潜水员、空艇和游泳员,但该妇女没有被发现。 Despite the use of divers, airboats, and swimmers, the woman was not found. 当局正在继续监测局势,如果出现新的信息,将恢复搜寻努力。 Authorities are continuing to monitor the situation and will resume search efforts if new information arises. 由于冰雪条件不稳定,建议公众远离河流。 The public is advised to stay away from the river due to unstable ice conditions.