哈利王子上诉法院在联合王国探访时作出警察保护决定,目的是保障家庭安全。 Prince Harry appeals court decision for police protection in UK visits, aiming to secure family safety.
哈利王子正计划对法院的决定提出上诉,以便在他和家人访问联合王国时重新获得警察保护。 Prince Harry is planning to appeal a court decision to regain police protection for him and his family when visiting the UK. 这场法律斗争可能会影响他孩子的安全,并有可能改善他与查尔斯国王的关系。 查尔斯国王在两年多的时间里没有见过他的孙子孙女。 This legal battle could impact his children's safety and potentially improve his relationship with King Charles, who has not seen his grandchildren in over two years. 哈利的目标是确保他的家人在访问祖国时感到安全。 Harry's goal is to ensure his family feels secure while visiting their home country.