哈利王子决定为了隐私和安全 将家人留在美国 Prince Harry decides to keep his family in the U.S. for privacy and security reasons.
Harry王子证实,他和他的家人将留在美国,享有与英国相比它提供的隐私和自由。 Prince Harry confirmed he and his family will stay in the US, enjoying the privacy and freedom it offers compared to the UK. 他表示,由于安全考虑,他无法在英国为其子女开展某些活动。 He stated he wouldn't be able to do some activities with his children in the UK due to security concerns. Harry优先成为父亲和丈夫, 并说这是“我妈妈想要的生活”。 Despite visa issues and legal battles over security, Harry prioritizes being a dad and husband, saying this is "the life my mom wanted" for him.