菲律宾参议员在反对阵营中提出解决青少年高怀孕率的法案。 Philippine senator pushes bill to address high teen pregnancy rates amid opposition.
菲律宾参议员Risa Hontiveros主张制定新法案, 解决青少年怀孕率高的问题, Philippine Senator Risa Hontiveros advocates for a new bill to combat high rates of adolescent pregnancy, arguing it's a national emergency. 尽管受到小费尔迪南德·马科斯总统和保守团体的反对,Hontiveros强调,需要为青少年提供更好的性教育和服务。 Despite facing opposition from President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and conservative groups, Hontiveros emphasizes the need for better sex education and services for teens. 该法案旨在提供更全面的信息和支持,将这一问题作为公共卫生危机来处理。 The bill aims to provide more comprehensive information and support, addressing the issue as a public health crisis.