17人,大多数是儿童,死于印度村,疑似有机磷中毒。 17 people, mostly children, die in Indian village from suspected organophosphorus poisoning.
在Rajouri的Badhaal村,在过去两个月里,有17人,包括14名儿童,死于一场神秘的疾病。 In Rajouri's Badhaal village, 17 people, including 14 children, have died over the past two months from a mysterious illness. 医生们怀疑有机磷中毒,因为接受阿托品注射后,有两名病人的情况有所改善。 Doctors suspect organophosphorus poisoning, as two patients showed improvement after receiving atropine injections. 然而,官方的化验结果仍未确定,医生告诫说,这不是确证的诊断。 However, official lab results are still pending, and doctors caution that this is not a confirmed diagnosis.