在印度拉乔里,17人,主要是儿童,死于与污染水有关的神秘疾病。 In Rajouri, India, 17 people, mostly children, die from a mysterious illness linked to contaminated water.
在过去50天里,在拉朱里、查谟和克什米尔,17人,主要是儿童,死于一种神秘的疾病,导致当局在检测发现农药和杀虫剂残留物后封闭了当地的泉水。 In Rajouri, Jammu and Kashmir, 17 people, mostly children, have died from a mysterious illness over the past 50 days, leading authorities to seal a local water spring after tests showed pesticide and insecticide residues. 由联邦内政部长率领的一个部际小组和一个特别调查小组正在调查这一与神经毒素有关但尚未明确查明的原因。 An inter-ministerial team led by the Union Home Minister and a Special Investigation Team are investigating the cause, which has been linked to neurotoxins but not definitively identified. 正在提供保安,以防止村民使用被污染的水。 Security is being provided to prevent villagers from using the contaminated water.