5个兄弟姐妹住院,1人死亡;印度村庄遭受神秘疾病、疑似病毒感染。 Five siblings hospitalized, one dead; Indian village hit by mysterious illnesses, suspected viral infection.
来自查谟和克什米尔Rajouri区的一名5岁女孩已经死亡,她的5个兄弟姊妹在病重后住院,疑似食物中毒。 A five-year-old girl from Jammu and Kashmir's Rajouri district has died, and her five siblings are hospitalized after falling seriously ill, suspected of food poisoning. 此前,12月有9名村民死于一种未知疾病。 This follows the deaths of nine villagers from an unknown disease in December. 这些儿童最初在Rajouri得到治疗,4人被转移到查谟接受进一步照料。 The children were initially treated in Rajouri and four were transferred to Jammu for further care. 当局和国家专家正在调查这一原因,初步迹象显示有病毒感染。 Authorities and national experts are investigating the cause, with preliminary indications pointing towards a viral infection. 在该地区正在进行健康检查。 Health checks are being conducted in the area.