新西兰讲习班赢得了争议,在裁决与工作人员人数相符后保留单一厕所。 New Zealand workshop wins dispute, keeps single toilet after ruling matches staff count.
在新西兰马斯特顿,地方议会在与汽车修理厂 Spud Motors 关于厕所要求的纠纷中败诉。 In Masterton, New Zealand, a local council lost a dispute with automotive workshop Spud Motors over toilet requirements. 理事会最初要求两个厕所,理由是今后可能使用,但商业、创新和就业部裁定,最多5名工作人员只需要一个单性厕所。 The council initially demanded two toilets, citing potential future use, but the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment ruled that only one unisex toilet was needed for up to five staff members. 这解决了争端,土豆汽车公司允许保留自己的单一厕所。 This resolved the dispute, with Spud Motors allowed to keep their single toilet.