印度最高法院规定法院为所有性别和残疾人提供单独的厕所设施。 India's Supreme Court mandates separate toilet facilities for all genders and disabilities in courts.
印度最高法院下令在所有法院房地和法庭为男子、妇女、变性人和残疾人建造单独的厕所设施,强调享有适当的卫生设施是一项基本权利。 The Supreme Court of India has ordered the construction of separate toilet facilities for men, women, transgender individuals, and persons with disabilities in all court premises and tribunals, stressing that access to proper sanitation is a fundamental right. 法院指示高等法院和州政府确保这些设施在6周内建造和维护,4个月内提交状况报告。 The court directed High Courts and state governments to ensure these facilities are built and maintained within six weeks, with a status report due in four months. 这项行动的目的是改善司法系统内部的卫生与尊严。 This move aims to improve hygiene and dignity within the justice system.