查尔斯三世国王在新照片中穿着色的西服, 庆祝"烧伤之夜"和苏格兰传统. King Charles III dons a tartan kilt in a new photo, celebrating Burns Night and Scottish traditions.
白金汉宫发布了一张查尔斯三世国王新照片, 身穿薄凝油板庆祝伯恩斯之夜, 纪念苏格兰诗人罗伯特·伯恩斯的生日。 Buckingham Palace released a new photograph of King Charles III wearing a tartan kilt to celebrate Burns Night, commemorating the birthday of Scottish poet Robert Burns. 由苏格兰塔坦斯管理局设计的手杖是国王对维护苏格兰传统的支持的荣誉。 The kilt, designed by the Scottish Tartans Authority, honors the King’s support for preserving Scottish traditions. 去年秋天在Balmoral Castle图书馆拍摄的照片显示Charles穿着传统服装, The photo, taken in Balmoral Castle’s library last autumn, shows Charles in traditional attire, including a sporran. 这是在国王准备前往波兰纪念奥斯威辛解放80周年之际。 This comes as the King prepares for a trip to Poland to mark the 80th anniversary of Auschwitz's liberation.