加纳电力公司否认在将电力重新连接到Koforidua的一所房屋后造成火灾。 Ghana's Electricity Company denies causing a fire after reconnecting power to a home in Koforidua.
加纳电力公司(ECG)否认在Koforidua一家住宅设施因未付账单和非法重新连接而断电后引起火灾。 The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) denied causing a fire at a residential facility in Koforidua after disconnecting electricity due to an unpaid bill and illegal reconnection. ECG说,他们使用的断开程序不能引起火灾,并敦促客户支付账单,避免非法连接。 ECG stated that the disconnection procedure they use cannot cause fires and urged customers to pay their bills and avoid illegal connections. 这一事件引发了关于加纳电力部门的效率和问责制的讨论。 The incident has sparked discussions about efficiency and accountability in Ghana's power sector.