加纳的ECG启动债务回收和仪表检查运动,以保持灯光。 Ghana's ECG launches debt recovery and meter inspection campaign to keep lights on.
加纳电力公司(ECG)于2025年1月15日至31日启动「保持灯光行动」, The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) has launched "Operation Keep The Lights On" from January 15 to 31, 2025, to recover outstanding debts and inspect prepaid meters for integrity. 该倡议针对拖欠款项的客户,以提高电子信贷集团的财政可持续性和提供服务的能力,因为它在应付未付账单和盗用电力时挣扎。 This initiative targets customers in arrears to improve ECG's financial sustainability and service delivery, as it struggles with unpaid bills and power theft. 断开后自我连接被视为刑事犯罪。 Self-reconnection after disconnection is considered a criminal offense.