司机因未能安全地装载货物而被罚款, Driver fined for failing to secure a load, preventing a potential catastrophic accident in Boree, NSW.
当警察在新南威尔士州Boree发现一辆汽车挂在一辆由Max Lee驾驶的半拖车上时,防止了危险局面。 Police prevented a dangerous situation when they noticed a car hanging off a semi-trailer driven by Max Lee in Boree, NSW. Lee被指控未妥善保管货载,这可能导致灾难性事故。 Lee was charged for not securing the load properly, which could have led to a catastrophic accident. 在奥兰治地方法院,Lee承认没有收紧安全带,并被罚款1 000美元,地方法官认为他的驾驶记录良好,以避免最高罚款13 000美元。 In Orange Local Court, Lee admitted to not tightening the straps and was fined $1000, with the magistrate considering his good driving record to avoid the maximum fine of $13,000.