威尔特郡警方发出 PG9 缓刑,并禁止一名司机使用用绳子绑在一起的不安全的福特嘉年华。 Wiltshire Police issued a PG9 probation and banned a driver from using an unsafe Ford Fiesta held together by string.
威尔特郡警方拦下了一辆用绳子绑在一起的福特嘉年华,驾驶时车门有打开的危险。 Wiltshire Police stopped a Ford Fiesta held together by a string, with the driver's door at risk of opening while driving. 由于车辆状态不合格且对他人存在潜在危险,该司机被处以 PG9 缓刑,即禁止在公共道路上使用车辆。 The driver was given a PG9 probation, a ban on using a vehicle on public roads, due to the vehicle's unfit state and potential danger to others. 车身上锋利的金属边缘和水包绳的使用促成了这一决定。 Sharp metal edges in the bodywork and the use of bailer twine contributed to the decision.