水管爆破部队从芝加哥公寓疏散400名老年人,两人受伤。 Water pipe burst forces evacuation of 400 seniors from Chicago apartments; two injured.
芝加哥近西区Patrick Sullivan高级公寓地下室的一条防爆水管导致大约400名居民于星期天清晨撤离。 A burst water pipe in the basement of the Patrick Sullivan Senior Apartments on Chicago's Near West Side led to the evacuation of about 400 residents early Sunday morning. 两名70岁和84岁的老人被送往医院,伤势没有威胁生命。 Two seniors, aged 70 and 84, were taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. 一些居民被临时搬迁到一家旅馆。 Some residents were temporarily relocated to a hotel. 尚未获得关于爆发原因和居民何时可以返回的详细情况。 Details on the cause of the burst and when residents can return are not yet available.